We hope to add at least one, maybe 2, maybe even more to our family through adoption.
There are many things we can do to come alongside the orphan, and we hope and believe one day we will have the joy and privilege of welcoming one or more into our family.
When Jim and I think of motherless, fatherless children, our hearts just bleed. It breaks us wide open. And we have such a wonderful time, in our loving home, loving each other, belonging together, and we can so easily imagine welcoming more kids to come and live and love with us, to be one of us.
So, I suppose, our answer is no- Hudson will hopefully be a big brother someday, maybe in several years, maybe soon. Our family's arms are open. We're waiting for the possibility of more of us just like some couples wait to conceive a child, I suppose. Something we, with our 4 in 4 years, have not yet done!
Adoption has been a wonderful blessing for our family. It isn't the 'easy route', as some have commented to me. Our adoption processes have been challenging, they have stretched me as a person, but I would never wish to not have gone through everything we have. Get ready for an amazing adventure and more blessing and love that you can ever imagine!
This post almost has me in tears. I have always wanted to birth 4 children and we have always talked about adopting. We have such a heart for it and there are so many kids that need a home.
Now that that chance of birthing more children has been taken away from me, my heart aches. I don't want this precious little miracle boy to be my last. I too would love for him to be a big brother some day. We'll see what the Lord has planned for us. I am so excited :)
Adoption is such an honorable thing. The woman who choose to give their children life despite a culture that tells them to abort, they are my heros. And then they selfishly give that child to a family who can provide. That takes so much. And for the family who takes that child in with open arms, such love. God is good. He will certainly bless your home in due time:)
I can totally see you becoming the next Angelina Jolie with a million babies~ I completely admire parents that choose to adopt!!!
You are such a beautiful person Megan!!!!Not to mention an awesome mommy:) It breaks my heart to think of those children that have never felt loved. Or even just the children that do have parents, but have to live in horrible circumstances.
If anyone should do this, it ought to be you. Clearly you are a wonderful mother who has so much love and wisdom to give. I'm praying that the right situation comes along at the right time!
I remember you and I talking about this a bit in Minneapolis, and your passion and excitement for it made me so excited for you. I think it would be awesome for you guys and you are such a great Mom to your 4 already, that I know this would be great for you and Jim!:)
I've always wanted to adopt, too! However, at the same time...I'm scared. So many of the children have such deep emotional needs and it can seem overwhelming. Despite that...there is a deep longing in me to open our hearts to a child who has had everything taken away from them and simply needs love.
Your heart is so big, Megan! What a lucky child that would be!
I think along the same lines as you, I want to birth 4 (cooking number 3) and then I would love to adopt more someday as the Lord permits. My husbands and I's timing needs to line up a little better though. He thinks when our 4 are older around middle school, I say lets keep going while we are on a roll! The Lord knows and that is all that matters right now.
I was adopted. My daughter Erin is trying to adopt. Adoption is a wonderful thing.
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