Don't you just love to hate Michael Scott? The Office really is brilliant. One reason it is, is it's balance of Michael's character (and Dwights, too, of course). Back to Michael. He is a moron, a jerk. But when you think he couldn't be more unlikable, he does something that shows his vulnerability, his sweetness, and you love him (or at least pity him) again.
Michael has horrible, wrong, or tactless things to say about just about everyone. No people group, religion or sex is safe from his mindless commentary. If you get The Office, it's hilarious, and smart. If you've never seen it, or you just don't get it, stay with me.
I want to know, all you Michaels out there, what you think about our great state, South Dakota.
What is the first thing you think of when you think of the state that's below North Dakota? No worries, be as honest as possible. I'm impressed with the variety of people that regularly check in on this family from the Great Plains. You're from all over. So I want to know- what do you think when you think South Dakota? Leave an honest comment, and I'll tell you a funny story on Thursday that sparked my thought train.

*To encourage comment participation, I will be donating 25 Schrute Bucks to the Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run For The Cure for every comment left on this post. That's per mile, people.
When I think of South Dakota I think of this time that I went rock climbing and camping with some friends up in a state park outside of Vermillion (I think?!?). It was beautiful, but I am not built to camp - it was one of my first experiences with real camping & my last. But it was a wonderful time with wonderful friends!!! There - not so bad, huh?
What do YOU think of Iowa?
First off - I LOVE the office, can't get enough! I guess when I think of SD - first I think "flat." Then I think of Mount Rushmore and The Badlands and how my husband and I have wanted to travel to see those for the past 5 years...but haven't because we fear a LONG FLAT boring drive with 2 kids...
We've traveled through South Dakota many times over the years on our way to Colorado. The first time I saw the Badlands I was stunned. And of course, MT Rushmore. Most of all, I think of the lovely Black Hills Gold Ring I purchased on one of my trips and how devasted I was when I lost it years later. I loved that ring! Haven't thought about that in awhile, now I want another!!
Fun question Megan!
Mt Rushmore and Gold! (the honest part...I can't think of anything else!)
I think of the beauty God created in the Black Hills - amazing. There is something so peaceful and scerene being surrounded by His creation. PS...we miss you on the other side!!
Mount Rushmore is my first thought - how boooring and typical. My second thought is regretful; I wish Daniel and I had taken the time to visit South Dakota when we lived in North Dakota.
Oh, and I think of Ellsworth AFB and wonder if I would have liked it had we gotten stationed there.
I LOVE The Office. I'm counting down the days until the season premier! And you know what I'm guessing... I think Jim and Pam are in trouble. I foresee a temporary break-up.
I love the Office! Love it!
When I think of South Dakota, I think of corn fields. And honestly, that's all that comes to mind.
I'm sorry but I'm just a southerner who has never spent much time out of the south. Not because I don't want to, I just haven't had the opportunity.
I think of that Veggie Tales DVD. The one where Larry the Cucumber disses South Dakota. I probably think of that because My son watches that DVD EVERY STINKIN' DAY.
Yes, like everyone else, Mt. Rushmore and the Black Hills and the Badlands.
We drove to visit family in MN three years ago (must get back, must get back...) and drove east through North Dakota and west through South Dakota. Beautiful. Oh, now I remember! We unfortunately tried to get a hotel while we were driving through. I learned about Sturgis that year. I'd never heard of it before.
Yay for The OFfice!
Okay. I'm a bit biased. When I think of SoDak I think of that long, flat drive from Sioux Falls to Rapid City that isn't quite as flat as I remember it being when I was little and DEFINITELY more relaxing than I remembered it being. (That sentence is too long.) I actually miss that drive now. I also get incredibly homesick for the Hills ... I love the trees around here, but I could go for a bit more variety in my scenery ... and a better view of the sunset.
Seriously, is there anything funnier than The Office? One of my all-time favorite, without a doubt. And it starts back so soon I can taste it:)
South Dakota, I don't even know. Corn, I guess.
How off am I?
ok first i puffy heart the office. the new teaser is cracking me up!!
as for first thought on south dakota (and this is embarrassing - i am a teacher) but i thought is that where mt. rushmore is? or is that north dakota?
sad i know.
and really i shouldn't even admit that bc now that i read everyones comments i know the truth.
I have no idea what you're talking about w/ the Office thing.
And I don't really think anything when I think of South Dakota. Well, actually, I think, "Oh I have this super fantabulous bloggy friend that lives there."
Seriously. That's what I think.
I don't think much, just boring. And I probably wouldn't want to live there.
And, your funny.
Every episode of The Office is absolutely classic. We don't have TV, so my hubby and I have to squish together in front of the computer on our too small computer chair (which is really a great excuse to snuggle!) and watch it the next day. We laugh so hard I nearly pee my pants every time.
And the first thing I think of when I hear South Dakota is . . . nothing. Seriously. There is almost no connotation. Perhaps it is just because I haven't learned much about it. I think, "hey, Andrea was almost stationed there". and then: "Hey, that's where Megan lives". And there lies the end of it.
Okay, after I said that I realized that I have one other connotation. When my husband was getting ready to drive all our stuff across the country he said "As long as we don't break down somewhere in South Dakota or something." And then they did! Spoke that one into existence, didn't he?
To him, "South Dakota" was code for "the middle of nowhere", so that tells you his connotation.
Having grown up here and marrying a great guy from here, when I think of South Dakota, one word comes to mind:
And all of the emotions that go along with that.
I'll say Mount Rushmore. We drove through SD once on a trip when I was younger, I remember thinking it was very beautiful.
I love the Office too, it is my second fav after Arrested Development!!!
Oh and we love the Office too, although I think Michael has gotten so over the top that he's not so funny anymore. My fav is when Jim is messing with Dwight! I really like all of the other characters, but MS is my least fav. Just gotten TOO much the past couple of seasons.
My experiences in SD are of sleeping through the drive...We were living in MT, driving to the east coast to visit family. We never had the chance to stop and see anything (except to get gas), so I am very sad to have missed seeing Mt. Rushmore.
Ok, that picture is HILARIOUS. Diversity Day was my second favorite Office episode behind The Injury (when Michael burns his foot on the Foreman grill). I just love that show!!
As for South Dakota, I think of Mt.Rushmore, of course. But then again, I can never remember what Dakota has that monument, so I could be totally off. The other thing I think of is that my kids have been trying to find all 50 license plates this summer and they can't find either Dakota, so I think of that too.
I'm glad I stopped by. I'll be back! :)
I LOVE THE OFFICE!!!!!! Michael & Dwight are SOOO funny!!!!!
Wait, I thought rabies was already cured... HA!!! I love The Office. Can't wait for Sept 25th or whatever it is.
South Dakota? Home. Mt. Rushmore? Also home. =)
I agree with American Mum.
Oh and I have to pass this along. When I was visiting April, our friend John was giving up GPS directions off his phone and we had a fun time remembering the episode where Michael drives into the lake b/c the GPS told him too. But it's telling me to go right! And Dwight's yelling at him not to. So funny. However, John's phone got us there okay...perhaps b/c we're not idiots like Michael Scott (most of the time). =)
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