
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Let's Eat.

To me, food is joy.  Real food.  I love the entire process from menu to market, from the moment the music starts until the last dish is dry.  I love the improvisation, the expectation, the sizzle.  I love a big table, so everyone’s invited.
Let’s eat something real, something honest.  Let’s eat bold foods, foods we get passionate about, foods we’re dying to share.  Let’s know what we’re eating—and feel good about it.  Let’s eat with intention and expectation.  Let’s be fed in the deepest of ways. 
A good meal can be made of nearly anything; a plate of fruit and cheese, or hot soup and fresh bread. Whether it’s simple and fresh or an all-day labor of love, intentional food speaks the message that we are worth the effort it takes to prepare something truly good.  We are nourished; not just fuel for the machine but a life force.
Good food of any kind resuscitates body, mind, and soul. A meal can mend where we’ve been separate and heal what’s been neglected. This daily act weaves us together, feeds us deep.  The symbol Jesus gave us to remember him was meant to be shared often; tangible wine and bread broken in community.  These simple foods sustain our bodies as we remember the One who sustains life.
There is so much glory in good, everyday, real. food. 


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