Some things I see, some things my kids see, or hear, or witness are just a complete lie. No, commercial, that new car is not what I deserve, and buying my home was not the most important decision I will ever make. That's just not True. No, woman in that movie, we do not go to heaven because we are good people trying the best we can. No, that's just not the Truth.
I don't make a huge deal out of it, but as the unavoidable and daily things of life come our way, throwing lies big or small at our ears and eyes, I usually just make a side comment, "We know that's not the most important thing we'll ever decide, right girls?" etc. Sometimes that leads to nods of affirmation, or little comments or a little conversation, but it's not like I'm pulling out the big guns and giving a lecture. But I just can't let those little things slide. When we hear an outright deception, I have just got to call it out.
Until this happened, I didn't really think about my little interjections that much. I didn't really wonder if it was sinking in. It was just a little side comment to combat the constant cultural indoctrination.
One day when we were eating lunch, we were watching Life Today, and I can't for the life of me remember what the guest was talking about. But in the midst of listening to him, and to four Kochs chewing and gulping, Grace said with much confident gusto, "Mommy, that man is telling the TRUTH."
And I said, "Amen, Baby Girl. That's the truth."
So apparently, she was listening. And her blessed five-year-old heart is perfectly capable of seeing black and white.
No zebras were harmed in the shooting of this photo.
...and a BIG amen! :)
I second Anne's Amen! I love it when you see evidence of your effort paying off in big ways.
Just yesterday I was having to explain a dog's death to Noah, "well, no baby, all dogs don't go to heaven..." Talk about a fun conversation.
Wow, that's just wonderful. What a smart little girl, for sure!
That is awesome! What great parents she has to model after.
That's when God gives you a little gift of "See my girl, all that hard work of training up your children? It's paying off."
that's a sweet story. why does it always surprise me when Noah repeats something he heard? They're listening!
I found your blog from Kelly's and I had to smile at your "black and white truth" post, as I recently wrote a post with the same theme! :D
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