Well, really, it's more just, What's Big?

Since I posted this, a few people were wondering how many kids makes a "big" family to us.
Well, like I said, 4 is pretty tame.
But let's just be clear, THIS is a big family. They got all us beat and a bag of chips, and boy, they got some joy, so I think there might be something to that.
So... all things being relative, I don't think I could give a number, but here are some random thoughts since you asked so sweet...
When we have enough kids that we have to own a conversion van...then we'll be "big".
We already feel "big", in that we had 4 kids in 4 years, so everyone is small. That means we're always all together, all the time, no one is ever away much unless we're all away at something, and everyone is always interacting constantly, and everyone has a lot of needs. But, along with that, I have to say, that it just got easier, with each new Koch. No, really, it did. And I have absolutely savored that phase of life. Now that Grace and Pate are getting older and they will be a part of more things without us, I grieve the loss of it, though I knew it was coming and I'm excited for them to do more things independently of the whole.

The fact that this is still 100% true, and we never go anywhere without the phenomenon following us, means I can feel like a bit of a cultural anomoly. You would not believe how much attention (almost always well-intentioned even if occaisionally tactless) we receieve on any given day out.
I already feel ready to add to the mix, and we're more than eager to do so whenever God opens the door- so apparently, we might just get bigger, and every one of us is thrilled at the possibility.
So, no, we're not big, but yes, sometimes we're big. But for sure, we think we just might get bigger...
I can see that monster of a van coming for me now...

4 kids in 4 years is not just big...it's huge!
I can't wait to see what doors God opens for you. Hopefully you will get that giant van!
You are braver than I, but if any mom can do it with grace, I believe it is you:)
You are brave...and Awesome!
And your kids are WAY adorable!
The decision to have more children is one I am sure you'll never regret! I am excited for you all!
I get the "your hands are full" everywhere I go too. . we had 3 under 3, but we're good for now :)
You're amazing to do 4 in 4 years - my 3 keep me going like crazy every single day! I agree with Kim, if anyone can do it (and excel at it), it will be you.
I'll be looking forward to an announcement soon ;)
Someone told me once when someone says, "Your hands sure are full" a good response is, "Yes, and so are our hearts."
I LOVE the way you arranged this post on your blog with the B*I*G letters. Very creative, Megan!
When you say 'big' you mean it! Maybe you could give the Duggars a run for their money. :>
I agree-- 4 is pretty tame. But just like #3 is a transition, I hear that #6 is too. . .
Hmmm . . .
You let me know :>
I saw a lady with 5 kids at the store yesterday and it didn't look crazy to me. ;-) They were actually being very well behaved. I feel swamped taking TWO to the store, but maybe it's because they are still so little. The more kids, the more love to go around, and I think it's awesome that you have a big family...that just might get bigger. :-) Is this a post to get us ready for a pregnancy annoucement!? :O
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