You know what I realized? There are a lot of you out there saying our name wrong. No, no, don't worry, I'm not offended. But I did realize that some of you don't know us in "real life", though if you wanted to go ahead and move to the Rushmore State, I'd be thrilled. But, no, you probably won't. So just so you know- we're the Kochs. That's pronounced "cooks", ya'll. So whatever way you've been saying it, no need to tell me- I've heard them all. Our name is the German word for- get this- "cook". And now you speak German. Woot! Oh, and another thing, our second born is Patience Isobel, and we most often call her Patie, and if her Mama's talkin', it's Patie Belle. Patie is like "Katie", with a "P". Ah. Doesn't that feel better- to have that all cleared up? Happy Wednesday, all you fabulous people. If you have a name that's constantly mispronounced, feel free to commiserate.
Want to know how to glass etch, so you can etch, well, pretty much anything on glass, such as your monogram, as I show reflected here on a vase? Want me to show a real picture of this vase, not it's reflection on the wall so you know what I'm talking about? If so, let me know and I'll fill you in.
LOL, I can commiserate!
Kelly JAHS*ko, mom of Em*EL*yah
I can understand! I'll email you as to why. My maiden name was very German as well! I have been saying Patie like Katie in my head.
My maiden name was as German as you can get. In fact, my father's mother immigrated from Germany when she was 16 years old. Both my father's parents were German...so goes the rest of the story.
How are things in Sioux Falls today...is it hot yet? I am so happy to have found someone from there. Now all I need to do is find a friendly blogger from Minnesota. I miss the midwest so much...except for the humidity. Our weather here in Utah is nice right now. We have been having lots of rain...so 'the hills are alive with the wild mountain flowers'.
Yesterday the traveling Vietnam Memorial arrived and I will be posting about that soon. My grandson is a veteran of the Iraq war (2 TOD'S) and came back wounded. He rides his Harley Davidson with the Legacy Vets (combination of Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, and Iraq and Afghanistan), so will show some pictures of that soon. It kind of took your breath away to see all the beautiful American Flags. There were about 500 bikers that were the escort. More to follow.
YAY! I was saying it right! :)
Great post! My Hubby Chet, can never get people to say his name right. Chip, Chuck, Chad......
Glad for the clarification because I was mispronouncing both. I think I will get Koch right from now on, but Patie will probably still sound like Patty in my head. I can't seem to wrap my mind around "Katie" with a "p"...it isn't sticking:)
I had them BOTH right!!! Yay for me... or, I guess - YOU! :)
My eye doctor growing up was a Koch, and Patie... Well, I guess I'm just a name pronouncing genius.
I apparently do not have a self-esteem problem. :)
I'd love to know about glass etching!
I understand what you are saying. My name has been mispronouced all my life. I am Lura but I am always call Laura or Lora or Lori or Laurie.... very few can manage Lura. It is like the old lullaby Toorah Lura Lura.
Thanks again for your comment. If I can think of anything profound to write I will do it. Thanks for the encouragemen.
Too funny ... my last name is Norweigian/Bohemian/Heinz 57 (Kubitz ... pronounced Q-bits) and my Grandpa Kubitz tells me that I pronounce my own last name wrong! Supposedly it's Coo-bits. *Sigh* I can't even say my own name right, so thanks for setting me straight on how to say your name. :)
Ugh, can I ever understand! Growing up I always got Laura or Lair-ah (which is like nails on a chalkboard to me!)instead of Lara (Lah-rah). Then, I marry this guy with Kvale for a last name. K-vale? Vale? Qualley, who'd've guessed? Darn Norwegians! To add to the confusion, he and his brothers will call to each otherm jokingly, "Hey K-vale!". Ugh!
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