
Friday, December 14, 2007

This Makes Sense

I love Joyce Meyer. I usually listen to her podcasts at least twice and I think her direct, honest and encouraging approach is really refreshing. Recently, she was talking about how we can love others as we love ourselves when they fail us. She explained it in a way that struck me as new and really helped me understand it in a fresh way. I mean, of course, loving others as yourself means you're really kind to them, just like you'd like to be treated, but, she helped me see how I treat myself when I sin, and how I can give others that same treatment. When I sin I (hopefully) pray about it and work it out with God, then (hopefully) get on a road headed the opposite direction of ever doing it again. If I do sin again, the process repeats itself. I give myself a lot of mercy, really, when I fail. When I fail what I don't feel tempted to do is tell other people and talk about it, which can really be a temptation if someone's hurt me or someone I love. I don't feel like holding it against myself- I feel like finding reconciliation with God as soon as possible so "all can be right" in the world again. The next time someone wrongs me I'm hoping to remember to view them that way- to at least give them the same mercy I give myself, if not more, and maybe even throw in some extra grace, showing extra love and kindness to them in spite of the shortcomings. If that's how I'd love for others to treat me when I fail (which is often), hopefully I can give that to them as well- with God at work in and through me, of course- because I could never do it on my own. Isn't it amazing, how infinite His patience, mercy and grace are with us? We can enjoy such freedom to fail and come back to God without fear that He's done with us forever! How good would it be if we all started extending that same grace to others?

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