Sitting around the breakfast table after letting the dogs outside, Jim pronounced it cold enough that you could throw a pot of boiling water in the air, and the water wouldn't hit the ground. So I said, "No way!", so we tried it- and it worked. So we did it like, five more times. Then, two more, because the facebook community demanded pictures and video.
There you go...

Even with the hassle of snow and cold, I'm so thankful I live in a place with extreme seasons. Builds character.
I had to show these pictures to some coworkers and I got the greatest comment.
"Good to see he bundled up for the weather. I think I have the same kind of pajama pants."
we did the same experiment :)
Wow! That is really neat!
Cannot get over how neat this is, LOVE IT!
That was awesome Megan! I lived up your way for over 20 years and I never ever thought about going outside on one of those "balmy" days and doing that! That made me smile so big tonight!
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