Monday, I felt a little off, but kept plugging through the day, and I accomplished like, 3 days worth of stuff in 1 day. I was amazed. Tons of work for Full Life, and some other random things. I was amazed at how much I accomplished... But by Monday night, I was ready for the kids to go to bed. Jim and I snuggled and watched The Office (syndicated 5 nights a week now, baby!) and I was feeling really tired, and sore. Just starting to feel awful. He rubbed my back, but the slightest touch sent my super-sensitive body a sharp, awful pain. Youch.
I woke up at 1:30 AM full-out sick, my sleep interrupted by Patie, who was sick. And so it went. Hudson has mostly just slept more. Like, taking a 4-5 hour nap instead of a 2.5 hour one, still in addition to his regular 12 hours. Grace has escaped unharmed. Lily and Patie have had fevers, sore throats, lethargy, the whole deal- just not quite as bad as me. As far as I know. I love how you have to TELL your child who has a 102+ fever to SLOW DOWN and SIT and REST. Kids are amazing like that. Jim just started getting sick last night. I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. Did you hear that? I'm sure.
We missed a lot of fun stuff this week. That was a shame, you know, because we like to have fun, and do a lot more than watch every PIXAR movie we own... However, through it all, we got all the flu has to offer except vomit and the other stuff. And for that, I'm unbelievably grateful. I can take a lot of things, but... And we also totally kept up with school. We'd basically just get it done right away, and spend the rest of the day chilling and sitting still (because that's all I could handle after that, and the sick kids looked ready to chill). It worked. The kids did great.
And moving on... Today, I'm able to be up and working, as long as I don't walk or move around. Our kids are still a little more at the need to couch-it stage. Here's a basic nutshell of what we've done this week...
Lots and Lots of TV. (Hi, Jenny).
That meant Bella, Bebo and Bacon did lots and lots of this...
We ate Lots and Lots of fudge pops (perfect for swollen throats).
Oh, and last night a sweet friend brought over this beautiful, layered amazing dessert, I'm not sure why, other than she's a great person, but she did. Upon finding out we were sick, and per our suggestion, she did decline entering our house. You know, thanks for the dessert, we're not letting you in. Nothin' but love.
We ate it's deliciousness for dessert after dinner (it was really easy for everyone with a sore throat to get down, so...) and then since it was so cold and nice on the throats, we ate it again for breakfast (with huge piles of frozen strawberries)...
Then Hudson ate most of the rest of it with his bare hands while I was writing this post. He also got it on the floor and walls while he was running away from me upon discovery. Then the dogs ate it up while I delt with him, which you know they shouldn't do, chocolate and all.
But it's clean. What can I say.
What a cute kitten! Oh, and that dessert looks like "Death by chocolate"...right? It's is definitely dangerous...
Oh, Megan. I just am continually amazed at what you do - even when you're sick! Glad to hear you're feeling better.
I hope everyone is feeling 100% again soon!
You are amazing! I would never have gotten that much done while I was sick.
And I think I need to pray for nice friends to bring over great desserts like that next we're sick:) I know it would make me feel a whole lot better!
Hope today has been a better day for all of you!
uh, we were there 2 weeks ago.
Glad you guys are feeling better, on the mend!
What cozy pictures!
DID I mention I love your jalapeno dresser? ! :)
I meant to tell you how sorry I was to hear that you were all sick. Yuck! And I'm amazed that you could pull it together to still do school--you are an amazing woman!! :) Glad you guys are feeling better and hopefully you've now paid your dues and don't have to deal with any more sickness through the rest of the season! :)
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