Merry Christmas, and we'll see you next year!

Bebo and Bacon continue to put up with our ignorance of them, with only mild acts of retaliation, namely laying on and licking forbidden pillows and stealing/receiving food from Hudson’s tray. I guess I can’t blame them.
Hudson is 1 and has recently learned the skill of throwing his blankets, pacifier, and anything else that he requires for sleeping off the rail of his crib and screams for it until it is returned. We certainly are not fooled by this behavior, but he apparently thinks we are rookies or are going senile, so he still fights the battle. Also, he learned how to say MOMMA that same week, so he’s at least not calling my name.
Lily is 2 ½ and her vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds as of late. She can name all her colors, tell stories about her day, and even repeat bible verses back as long as you don’t ask her to. Megan recently had the girls watch a nature program on waterfowl, and it had a great impact on Lily. It seems that she cannot talk enough about the Booby bird, and continues to call her brother a “Booby”. Lily is our “non-conformist“. Perhaps it’s an effort in negotiation, but usually conversations with Lily go something like this: “Lily lets _______” “I don’t want to _______!” “Well, we still need to.” She replies with something like, “Then I’m just going to tear my arm off!!!” Effective? No, but certainly entertaining…
Patience is 4 now and has been working on home school stuff with Grace and Mommy. She is quite good at math, adding up her allowances to see when she will have x number of dollars. She is always sounding out words and I think she’s better at it than Daddy. Patie is also my garden helper, and certainly doesn’t mind getting dirty in the process. She also went roller skating for the first time this year and loves it. If you’d like to hear about it in her own words, check out her video on our blog.
Grace is 5 ½ and is progressing well in kindergarten. She is reading quite well, and can write all of her letters without help. She is also our resident naturalist. She loves toads, frogs, bugs, caterpillars, spiders, etc. and will put them in cups in her play kitchen (much to Megan’s distaste).
Megan certainly keeps herself busy with blogging, teaching the kids, cleaning and about anything else you can think of around the house. If you’d like to follow our lives and travels a little more regularly come by our blog She continues to develop her passions for decorating, photography, organizing, and watching The Office.
We are also helping to plant a church in Sioux Falls, The Ransom (launching March ‘09) and are investigating adoption. I guess we don’t always choose the easy road, but it has been a good one. That’s what we can expect when we follow the Christ of Christmas.
We hope your Christmas is Christ-filled and that you allow Him to lead you no matter what the turmoil, joy, difficulty, or blessing this next year holds. There is no other Way.
The Kochs
Merry Christmas to you all!!
Merry Christmas!
Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful letter you husband did (and I think that's a great idea). It sounds like you have had a wonderful and busy year and it sounds like this next one is going to be just as great.
You're right- I like reading things through the mouth of husbands, too! Merry Christmas!
thats a great letter! I cringe to think of what my husband would come up with! I hope you and your family have a very blessed, very healthy, very happy 2009 : )
wonderful letter - hope your Christmas was full of wonder, and your 2009 will be magical as well!
What a great letter! My husband hates to write...and yet he's a pastor! Kinda funny, huh?! I'm so glad I came by - even if it's post Christmas - to read it because I feel like now we're friends!
I loved the letter! I am sure your friends enjoyed getting it. Was glad to get a sneak peek!
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