This did it. This made me wonder what you all think about South Dakota. See, I took this picture not long ago at the park... The girls have had a bunch of sand toys for a few years. We take them to the park and they play tirelessly in the rocks and sand, "Scooping" as they call it. This day, the lower layer of sand was still wet from rain the night before. So as Grace filled and filled her sand toy, a surprise was waiting for her when she dumped it over and...GASP! The sand made a castle!! I had the camera in my hand for another reason, but snapped this picture just as she shrieked out in delight- this image captures a look of sheer surprise.
We actually used to live about 25 minutes from Mt Rushmore.
If you ever want to come to SD, I'll be your perky tour guide. I've lived here my whole life. I grew up in one place, Jim grew up in MN, then we both went to college here- I went to the two largest, the second of which is where I obtained the M.R.S degree, of course. Then we moved to another city after college, and then moved waaaaay west to Rapid City until we moved here, to Sioux Falls, last spring. Appropriately named for these...
My child, who just turned 5, had no idea sand did that. We gotta get these kids to a beach.
We don't have many of those in South Dakota.
I found your thoughts amusing. I have a hard time realizing that anyone outside of our state knows about Mt Rushmore, but, a lot of you do. There are 2 sides to our state, very different from one another, in lifestyle, and appearance. We've lived on both sides. This one is better *shhh*. And yes, it is very flat in the middle.
We actually used to live about 25 minutes from Mt Rushmore.

If we could have chosen anywhere in the world to live, we would have chosen here. It's the midpoint between our two families, and it's an amazing city. It's beautiful and charming, there's always something to do, it's full of Scandinavian friendly faces, but many people from other cultures live here. It's large enough for many shopping and eating and entertainment opportunities, but still small enough to avoid the stuff you hate about big cities. We have far too many beautiful parks to count, and a thriving downtown area. We're only 3 1/2 hours from Minneapolis, and about 2 1/2 from Omaha, so the bigger city stuff is close by.
Have I told you? I absolutely love our city.
It's a good thing to love where you live, is it not? And I hear Minneapolis is like the coolest city, too!
Meghan, I totally concur. We love Sioux Falls!
I have to disagree. I love the Hills! I love Rapid City! Has something to do with growing up with Hills on my daily skiline and Mt. Rushmore to work at and both our families being there.
Say, we might be in Omaha going to the Zoo on Mon Aug 25th. Perhaps we could meet up?
Oh, and that's totally funny Grace didn't know about sand castles.
i love that picture of grace!! you truly did capture the "wow" in her moment!
Megan! Thanks for posting on my blog. I remember the good 'ol TEC days. And I love Sioux Falls. My grandma lives there and I would move up there in a second! (But I love Lincoln, Nebraska too.)
the look on her face says it all. PRICELESS! So cute!
Everyone I know who's been to Souix Falls loves it - it looks like you guys enjoy every ounce of it too!
Sounds like a great place to live!!a
I have a great idea.... why don't you bring your family to CA and stay with us while you take the kids to the beach, Disneyland, Knotts...whatever. I will be your guide here since I've lived in the area for 53 years..
...then I get John to come with me to SD and you can be our guide...
Wouldn't that be fun! I've always wanted to see Mount Rushmore.
Hmmm...I really don't share your love of SF, but I do love South Dakota :-)
Yay Brookings! Go Brookings! Woo hoo!
Minnesota's still the coolest, though. And we have PLENTY of beaches...you should come visit!
I've been to Mt. Rushmore...back in '97. Our family took a 3 week trip out west and toured a lot of the major historical sites and enjoyed God's incredible creation. Cute picture in the sand..you're not the only mommy who needs to get the kids to the beach! My oldest was to the beach when she was 11 months old...that's the last time we've been. My husband doesn't like the beach. Oh well!
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