
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just Lovely, or, the Adventures of Purchasing a Home in Winter

We have a bush that flowers. Who Knew?
I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of my voyage into the Last Frontier.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Or purchasing a house in late summer - Ryan and I have been amazed by the stuff that comes up in the yard - beyond the dandelions, of course. :)

That is quite lovely!

anne said...

I think we have the same bush!!! I was so happy when they bloomed the summer after we moved in!!
Now the backyard....that's another story!

Unknown said...

I understand! We found a rosebush last summer!

Jenn Boerger said...

Homeownership is always an adventure! Glad this was a beautiful one!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

So simple, so perfect, and free! Beautiful.


Kristen said...

So pretty, and I love your vase! :)

Grammy Staffy said...

What a nice surprise. Enjoy

Deb said...

We are in the same boat - bought our home in January this year. We too were surprised to find flowering bushes out front...we were going to remove they don't seem so bad! :) Cheers to anything pretty you don't have to put any hard work into!